Tuesday, February 2, 2010

End of relation that never was...

Just when I took a few more steps
I could see the road ahead was covered with mist, I was scared
I wanted you to hold my hand & show me the way,
I was blindly in love with you
waited, waited & waited but no sign of you, I decided then to go ahead to reach what I believed was your soul.
But I reached a dead end, a deep gorge
I had lost way long back
You called me friend, while I was looking for love in you, which I now realize was a mirage.
A mirage not of road ahead but It was like you, standing in the white gown of mist.
I held something that felt like your hand, couldn't figure out who was to jump to the other side of the gorge.
I did, You disappeared
I am in darkness again

1 comment:

Timeless Memories - My Bygone ! said...

:) Good one..... though bit sad :(..